Thursday, 12 February 2009

The Dust Never Settles

Greetings everyone!  Well, this past week or so has been a bit rough, but the sun is shining today so I hope that means my luck is turning around.  The snow and ice has finally melted away.  It was beginning to drive me crazy.  Our road is nothing but potholes anyway, but when you add in ice covered potholes, it is not a good situation.

Hopefully, Benjamin will be doing better also.  The last month or so has been terrible.  First, there was the ear infection and teething.  Then as soon as Joe's parents left, he got his first cold.  Now that he is nearly done with that, I think he might be teething again.  I don't see anything in his mouth, but sometimes he is cranky for absolutely no reason.  Plus, yesterday he tried to gnaw the coffee table.  The only thing that is reassuring is that my baby arsenal is stocked and ready to go.  I have tylenol, ibuprofen, teething tablets, teething powders, baby orajel, and the ever popular teething biscuits.  Now all I need is a bit of whiskey for the gums (mine, obviously, not his).

In other news, I am very excited about my dad coming to visit.  He was originally supposed to be here Tuesday, but got delayed a week at the last minute.  So he will be here this Tuesday instead.  I can't wait to show him around Ely, and Ben can't wait to have someone else to play with.  

In the meantime, I am doing everything possible to keep Benjamin busy.  Maybe I'm just not very creative, but I find that I quickly run out of things to do.  He has a short attention span so we constantly change it up.  After an hour or so, we've done it all.  My solution is to take him out as much as possible.  There are playgroups everyday of the week and I try to hit them all.  Yesterday, we did Rhymetime at the library, and today I met my friend Minh for coffee.  Technically, that last one isn't a playgroup, but Minh brought her baby too, so he still had fun.   

1 comment:

Bugaboo said...

So your dad is coming to visit but not your mom? Sorry to pry, I'm just curious.