Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Summer Plans

Time is ticking away here as it always does. I realized today that in a little over a month, Joe will be headed on his 3-month, all-expenses-paid vacation (Afghanistan). Normally, I would have a pit in my stomach about that much time alone with B-bear. However, summertime makes it easier to keep him entertained and makes me feel more positive all around. Plus, I have my two classes to keep me distracted (usually I just stay up late watching trashy TV). Hopefully, Joe will get to come back for a few days in August, which should be right around Ben's birthday. (My baby is going to be 2! How did that happen? Was I there?) Then Mama Anna will rescue me for a few weeks and we will accompany her back to Florida for about a month. I'm a bit gutted about missing September in England because it is so beautiful. However, September in Florida is nice too and we will be back for October, which is the last bit of loveliness before the ash cloud of winter sets in.

So, really, I just need to make it through July. I predict a haze of Lean Cuisine, trips to the Mothers' Gym on base, living at the local playgrounds, and lots of Ben's cream. There is a store in town with a giant ice cream cone out front. He shouts "ice cream!" everytime we go by. Even when they are closed, the store is dark, and the cone is inside, he still sees it and shouts. Ben has incredible eyesight. He spots planes far away, high up in the sky. Planes you would never notice if you did not have an enthusiastic toddler screaming "airplane" and pointing. Joe said he wishes some of the other guys in his squadron could spot planes so well.

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